Ms Madden and Ms Kenny's Room visited the farm recently. They were thrilled to see cows, horses and newborn lambs. They recognised the safety signs all around the farm and learned lots about how to stay safe on the farm..
Children from First and Second Class were thrilled to visit a Dairy Farm in Ballymoe this week. They learned all about how dairy farms operate and even got to pet some newborn calves! What a fantastic hands-on learning experience which really complemented their classroom learning this term. Pupils from Second Class celebrated the Sacrament of Penance on 23rd March in Tarmon National School. Well done to all the boys and girls on making their First Confessions. You were so-well prepared! Many thanks to Fr. John for celebrating this special occasion with us. There was great excitement in Third, Fourth and Fifth Class last week as we took a field trip to Payne's Dairy Farm in Tulsk. This was a unique and memorable opportunity to explore real-life farming and learn all bout where our milk comes from. #FarmSafeSchools
6th class enjoyed planting lettuce seeds which will germinate and grow in our poly tunnel over the next few weeks. The children also followed recipes to create nutritious smoothies as part of Task 2 for #woodiesbuddinggardeners Fantastic teamwork Rang a Sé!
Former Senator Maura Hopkins visited our school recently to speak to 6th Class about The Irish Political System. Many thanks to Maura for such an interesting presentation which has inspired many of the students to become more engaged in politics and current affairs. No doubt there are some future leaders in our midst!
Last week Mr Dowd, Ms Redington and Ms Gannon attended the DCU Changemakers Conference in St Patrick's Campus DCU as representatives of Tarmon NS. They met representatives of the other 18 Changemaker Schools in Ireland and each school got to share how their school showcases the 4 pillars of a changemaker - teamwork, empathy, leadership and teamwork. They accepted a plaque which will be on display in our school and took away plenty of exciting ideas of how we can further embed the changemaker ethos into Tarmon NS. Today we had a very special visit from our local champion and past pupil, Aoife O Rourke.
Aoife is such an amazing role model for the children of Tarmon N.S and we are so proud of her! 🥇🥊🎉 We have completed Module one of Agri Aware's Farm Safety Programme. We learned about warning signs around the farm and coloured in our own ones. We took a trip to a local farm and discussed staying safe around slurry pits, livestock, machinery, electricity and water on farms. We know that we have to shut gates after ourselves and to also be careful of overhead power lines. We had a great time! edit. Second Class enjoying literacy games in our outdoor classroom. Looks like great fun! |
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