Fourth Class children worked in pairs to build the “Arctic Mobile” and coded it to move and rotate in different ways. Great teamwork! Fifth Class children worked on creating stop motion animation videos yesterday and came up with some very creative pieces!
Last week we held our whole school assembly where Sixth Class exhibited their gorgeous Tarmon Totes to all the children. Lots of students were nominated for Changemakers Awards too!
A huge thank you to our fantastic Parents’ Association who organised a wonderful party in the Trinity Arts Centre for all the communicants following Saturday’s special ceremony. ⛪️ 🎂🎉 Congratulations to the boys and girls who made their First Holy Communion in St.Patrick’s Church on Saturday. Well done to all those who made the mass so special for the children and many thanks to the School Choir who added so beautifully to the ceremony.
Fifth Class pupils visited Harmac on Friday last for the culmination of their STEAM workshops. They received lanyards displaying their names for the site tour and learned all about the specific medical products produced there. Many thanks to Conor and Padraic for the tour and for facilitating our STEAM workshops this term.
Thank you also to all the staff at Harmac Medical Products for their warm welcome on Friday. 6th class pupils are delighted with their new hoodies that they designed themselves! Thank you to Elaine Hannon for making them for us.
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